We love to have familys and friends join us for fitness classes, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to book on more than one person to a class.
Our booking system, Gymcatch has just brought out a brand new app update so all customers can now create sub profiles for their children etc. This is great news! As it means you can save your childrens, families or friends names and add their names to the class of your choice so the instructor has their names on the register instead of yours!
Gymcatch call it sub profiling…….
Here is a step by step guide for adding friends, family members or children to classes.
How do I book multiple places?
How to create and use sub-profiles to book multiple places on a session or course
Sub-profiles allow you to make and manage bookings on behalf of other people, such as children, friends or family members, without them needing to engage directly with Gymcatch themselves. Creation and management of these profiles is done from within your own Gymcatch account.
There are 2 ways you can create a new sub-profile – either during the booking flow or from your profile page.
Creating a sub-profile during booking
After clicking the Book button on your class you will be taken to the payment screen for the session if you do not already have one or more sub-profiles on your account. To create your first sub-profile, click on the Add places link to be taken to the profile selection screen.
If you already have a sub-profile(s) on your account or need to complete any participation information requirements for your provider than you will be taken to the profile selection screen as standard.
From here simply click + Add new profile and complete the name for the profile and optionally add a picture. After clicking Create you can then proceed with your booking, selecting the new sub-profile as one of the places being booked in to the session or course.
Creating a sub-profile from your profile page
To access your profile page on the web, click on your name in the top right hand corner of the page after logging in at gymcatch.com/app or on your provider’s Gymcatch page. From here go to the Sub-profiles tab, click Create new and complete the first and last name fields, optionally upload an image for the profile then click Create.
In the mobile Gymcatch app for iOS or Android, go to the Profile tab, tap Sub-profiles and then +. Complete the first and last name fields, optionally upload an image for the profile then click Save.
Booking multiple places
Where a business allows the booking of multiple places in a single transaction, once you have created one or more sub-profiles through one of the above methods it is as simple as checking the boxes next to each profile you are wanting to book in to the selected session or course and proceeding through the booking flow as you would normally.
We hope this helps to explain the process and we look forward to seeing multiple names on our registers.
Love the MS team x